Astari Nite present the video for their single “Sunday Queen”


sunday_queenSouth Florida based post-punk act Astari Nite released their latest single and video “Sunday Queen” on 23 March. The single is the first track off their upcoming album Midnight Conversations, to be released on Cleopatra Records in July 2018.

Mychael’s thoughts on the single: “In Sunday Queen, a tragic obsession occurs between magic and love. I feel as the days continue to go by I am finding myself to be more and more infatuated with make believe. There is a certain kind of comfort in tricking the mind into knowing that things aren’t what they seem. Perhaps the characters of the song will meet again in another song on the Midnight Conversations album… ”

The cover for the single was hand drawn by Anastasia Gwyn Judd, an artist who’s inspired by witchcraft and the occult. 

Enjoy the video!